About the course

Culinary Nutrition

This course is designed to enable health and education professionals to deliver consistent and practical nutrition information within the context of their usual care. 
This course has been developed by the University of Newcastle research team in collaboration with Rijk Zwaan Australia. The project is funded by a Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science Innovation Connections Project Grant with Rijk Zwaan Australia Pty. Ltd. 
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University of Newcastle

The University of Newcastle in NSW. Australia, has delivered superior education and world class research since 1965. Ranked in the top 200 of the world's universities, UoN is a global leader, distinguished by a commitment to equity and excellence.
By working with industry, community and government partners, they translate new knowledge into innovations that make a real difference – to communities, our economy and our planet.
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Rijk Zwaan

Rijk Zwaan is an independent, family-owned seed breeding company, which has grown to become one of the top four vegetable seed suppliers in the world. Originating in the Netherlands by Mr Rijk Zwaan, today it operates in over 100 countries worldwide, including Australia.

Rijk Zwaan works in collaboration with the entire supply chain to increase global vegetable consumption.

Love My Salad is a social initiative of Rijk Zwaan employees coordinated by its employees to share the fun, joy and vitality of vegetables. You're welcome to join us on www.lovemysalad.com

Our vision is to share a healthy future.

For health and education professionals
We want to provide culinary nutrition education to professionals who have the capacity to influence behavior change in others. This emerging strategy aims to promote improvements in dietary patterns and reduce the burden associated with diet-related chronic disease.
Teaching the benefits of cooking and healthy eating
  • Enhance practising health and education professionals’ knowledge of healthy eating recommendations, and the benefits of eating vegetables for general overall health and for prevention of diet-related medical conditions.
  • Enhance practising health and education professionals’ skills to implement healthy eating recommendations through domestic meal planning, food preparation and cooking.
  • Increase practising health and education professionals’ vegetable consumption.

Meet your facilitators

Our instructors

Our instructors are highly qualified professionals, widely acknowledged in their field.
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Roberta Asher 
The University of Newcastle
Frances Tolson
Rijk Zwaan Australia
James Bertram
Rijk Zwaan Australia

Curriculum content and program format

A survey of Australian health, adult and community cooking and nutrition education professionals and a comprehensive review of current evidence was used, to inform curriculum content and the program format.

The course has been developed by the University of Newcastle research team in collaboration with Rijk Zwaan Australia Pty Ltd. The project is funded by a Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science Innovation Connections Project Grant with Rijk Zwaan Australia Pty. Ltd.

The University of Newcastle team are Professor Clare Collins, Dr. Tamara Bucher, Dr. Vanessa Shrewsbury, Ms. Roberta Asher, Dr. Rebecca Haslam, Dr. Lee Ashton, Ms. Madeline Southall and Ms. Prudence Morrissey. The Rijk Zwaan Australia team are Mr. Steven Roberts, Ms. Frances Tolson and Mr. James Bertram.

The UoN team will provide support and moderate the discussions throughout the course, y
ou will see Frances and James providing sharing knowledge of vegetable production, selection, storage and preparation in our “vegetable butchery” videos.
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What will you learn?


Australian Dietary Guideline and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating: The five food groups, recommended serves and serve sizes. What do Australians eat?

Healthy food preparation for quick and easy meals and snacks.

Food Related Health and Disease: Energy metabolism, Macro and micronutrients, Nutrients vs dietary patterns, Label reading and processed food.

Nutrient dense hot meals and sides.

Heart Disease Risk Reduction:  Heart disease and nutrition, Nutrients associated with heart disease risk and prevention, Dietary patterns and heart disease.

Heart healthy salads.

Diabetes Risk Reduction: Diet and diabetes risk  management, Carbohydrates, Fibre, 
Glycaemic Index and glycaemic load.

Cooking with high fibre, low glycaemic carbohydrates 

Cancer Risk Reduction:  Dietary patterns and cancer risk, World Cancer Research Fund Continuous Update project, Nutrition recommendations for cancer prevention

Cooking and socialising – brunch and grazing table ideas 

A Presentation

 Cooking demonstrations
An at-home cooking activity 
Online, moderated discussion board
Live Q&A sessions
Access to further reading & resources
A short quiz

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Frequently asked questions

What's the time commitment?
We offer a number of different learning paths, which you are invited to read and choose the one that better meets your needs. However if you need any advice or clarifications, we are at your disposal at any time.
What is the scope of the course?
We have 16 teachers so if a problem occurs – which is extremely rare – we can switch you over to one of the other teachers. If you think you may get more out of lessons from a teacher with a different teaching style, we have the flexibility to change you to another instructor.
Is it all online?
With us you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable professionals in the field. We are intricately involved with education across the U.S. Our students regularly participate in local, state-wide, and national workshops and festivals.